Holt Renfrew — Department Store in Old Toronto Toronto

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Holt Renfrew

Department Store at 50 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M4W 1A1, Canada, Old Toronto Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1A1 . Here you will find detailed information about Holt Renfrew: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday
    10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday
    10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday
    10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday
    11:00 AM – 7:00 PM


Based on 10 reviews


50 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M4W 1A1, Canada, Old Toronto Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1A1
Old Toronto Toronto
M4W 1A1

Photo gallery

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  • Holt Renfrew road map
  • Holt Renfrew satellite image

About Holt Renfrew

Holt Renfrew is a UK Department Store based in Old Toronto Toronto, Ontario. Holt Renfrew is located at 50 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M4W 1A1, Canada,

Please contact Holt Renfrew using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Holt Renfrew opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Holt Renfrew

  • Zoe
    Added 2016.09.28
    I used to love this place, but it is getting worse everyday
  • William
    Added 2016.05.03
    Depends on where you go, your experience will be different here.
  • Eva
    Added 2016.04.15
    While the displays and the location look very nice, you can't buy a thing if no one helps you Since no one will, its better to walk out the door.
  • Emma
    Added 2015.11.16
    HOW do the staff making less than their target clientele, sneering their noses, and acting like snob aficionados, when, outside of their employee discounts, they'd never afford the merchandise they are peddling??
  • Samantha
    Added 2015.01.05
    Went there this week for designer clothes and shoes and the experience was really disappointing... I had only been to the beauty section before that and it was average, however, the clothing section was way below average. Nobody greets you when they see you coming with a indifferent look on the face and I dressed up quite nicely that day. Also, the sales representatives do not offer help to check sizes or get a fitting room. All customers were just hanging around by themselves, trying to figure out everything on their own. The designer shoes section was really disappointing as well. There weren’t many staff there and those who were there just stood aside looking blank. The shoes were placed in a quite messy way. All in all, I do not recommend the place to anyone. I go to other places like Nordstorm weekly and they have definitely provide a much better shopping experience.
  • Jordan
    Added 2014.11.15
    I'm just an average consumer who wanted to give my fiance a really nice birthday present. I bought her a $2000 + Burberry purse to have its straps get really worn down after 2 months. There was also a really small part on the purse that looked looked like someone used sand paper on it and rubbed off it's lustre. She only had the purse for 2 months and used it only for her nightly outings and not as a day to day purse. When she took it back to the store the piss poor attitude of the associates there blamed her for wear and tear. The associate told her it was her fault the purse ended up like this and that there wasn't anything they can do. Funny that a department store like this would be so quick to react instead of help. To be honest Wal-Mart has better customer service and a better return policy than Holt Renfrew. So to top it off, to act like they cared they said they would send the purse off to their facility that would inspect the purse to check to see if there was an actual defect or not. My fiance was told to touch back in 1 week to get an update on the status. After one week she followed up and it turned out that the person who had taken her person was on vacation and so we could not get a status on her purse. After 2 weeks she called and associates at the store gave her a run around that a customer service person that was in charge of her purse would call her back. Eventually, the person that was handling her purse finally reached out to her and told her that there was nothing they could do and that they were blaming it her fault because they are psychic and told her to basically come pick up her purse. The fact of the matter is, I went out of my way to go to this location to purchase a very expensive purse when i could have gone to the actual Burberry store to get a better level of service. It makes me feel very disappointed and I would not recommend any consumer to spend their hard earned money here. I also want to point out that the purse was purchased at the end of August 2017 and the defective item was brought to the attention of the store in October 2017 and I'm now writing a review in December 2017, so this isn't an angry on the spot rant. I am sad that the person who i bought it for is not happy with the product. I can understand if I was buying some kind of Calvin Klein or Kate Spade purse then I would expect this level of treatment but not from Holt.
  • Samuel
    Added 2014.07.26
    Ultimately i believe the customer service definitely needs to be improved. If you are not spending buckets of cash, or look like Kris Jenner or Lindsay Lohan's mom, no one will look at you. Most of the time you can't find some of the consultants unless they are filling up the stock.
  • Ian
    Added 2014.07.13
    2 stars- whats really surprising about this place is that its in an ultra posh neighbourhood and caters to an upper market clientele. HOWEVER, the primadonna staff they have in some departments is so repulsive.
  • Everly
    Added 2013.09.01
    I prefer Harry Rosen over this place, or Nordstrom. Such a shame because Holts was more convenient (geographically) than both the other competitors.
  • Kaylee
    Added 2013.04.15
    My Holt Renfrew gift card was cloned and it seems like I'm not the only one who got burned. I lost over $1000 because Holt Renfrew gift cards can be cloned with just a $50 card duplicator. I contacted Holt Renfrew and told them how easy it was to clone their gift card. They couldn't care less about my dollar be gone in their gift card. Instead they just told me to deal with the police and never contact them about it again. Thank you Holt Renfrew for putting your customers dollars in danger by having such a vulnerable gift card system. I was too stupid to believe in their gift cards when I shouldn't have. Holt Renfrew already knew about cards being cloned yet they didn't stop selling the gift card. Instead they pushed their gift card sales harder than ever before to make quick bucks. Why? Holt Renfrew is hoping that the recipient of their gift card lose it so Holt Renfrew can get 100% profit for a piece of plastic. It is just ethically wrong to sell gift cards even after knowing how vulnerable these are, but Holt Renfrew doesn't care. It just cares about $$$$$.
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